Kusatsu Onsen, nestled in the mountains of Gunma in central Japan, is one of the country’s most iconic onsen towns. Travelers to Kusatsu Onsen come to soak in the famous hot […]
Nagano in central Japan is a popular location for experiencing rural Japanese villages, going skiing, enjoying snowy mountain views, and relaxing in onsen hot springs. One of the most common […]
Miyajima is a gorgeous island in Japan just south of Hiroshima. Although it’s often visited as a day-trip from Hiroshima, I highly recommend staying the night on Miyajima. This allows […]
New York City is one of the most difficult places, possibly in the world, to find accommodation on a budget. With sky-high prices and additional hidden fees, you might think […]
Out of the literally hundreds of hostels and backpacker accommodation I’ve stayed in, one hostel sticks in my mind as one of the best: Sherloft Hostel in Chiang Mai, Thailand (now […]
As part of a long weekend getaway from Brisbane to Stanthorpe, I stayed at the incredible Abbey Boutique Hotel in Warwick, Queensland. This unique accommodation in Australia looks like a […]