How to plan your next international trip

How to plan for your next international trip, travel planning your next overseas travel, travel planning from start to finish, how to plan your international one week travel

It’s always a good time to start travel planning! One of my favorite parts of travel is building anticipation before a trip even happens. I love travel planning because the world becomes your oyster, and if you can dream it, you can plan it. 

Here’s the process that I follow when planning my overseas travel, from start to finish. This planning process is written with a one-week international trip in mind, but much of it can be used for two-week, three-week, even multi-month trips. 

Salleri village, Everest region trekking. Ultimate Guide to Everest Base Camp Trek, Three Passes Trek, Nepal Trekking

Travel Resources for Planning your Next One-Week Trip

I’ve accumulated a number of my favorite travel planning resources on my Travel Resources page. The page includes my favorite accommodation site (, my packing list must-haves, and travel visa website (iVisa). 

Initial inspiration for one-week international trips

  1. Google Search – search far and wide for travel inspiration, whether it’s from travel blogs, Google image searches, clicking around on Maps apps, or from Instagram. Pick a few countries that you’re interested in visiting and narrow it down to the top two or three.
  2. Check visa and entry requirements – Before settling on one country, check the visa requirements as well as any other entry requirements. Check visa requirements online at iVisa.
  3. Choose THE ONE – the perfect country for your next one-week international trip will come to you naturally. You’ll know its the right one in your heart after following steps 1 and 2, I promise. I list my top three country recommendations (plus some) on my home page.
Josephine Falls Cairns Waterfalls Near Cairns Josephine Falls Map Cairns to Josephine Falls Visting Josephine Falls

Cast a wide net for places to visit

4. Star key locations on Google Maps – Google Maps is one of my most-used travel tools because I can star, heart, and flag the locations that I want to visit. They even have a little luggage tag these days to save travel locations. Star key cities, towns, national parks, world heritage sites, museums, and other key points of interest that you feel like you must see while in this country.

5. Read other itineraries – If I don’t know much about a country, I look up other travel blogs to see what other people like me really enjoyed about the country. Search for “one week itinerary in xyz country” or “the ultimate guide to xyz country” to get some more ideas of unmissable attractions and experiences to star on your map.

Tip: If you’re visiting a conglomerate of countries (like the Balkans or Central America), check if there are towns or cities you’re interested in visiting just across the border.

6. Narrow down your options to 2-3 places – With only one week to travel, it’s best to pick just 2-3 locations to spend time in. Zoom out of the map you created and choose 2-3 locations based on what you starred in steps 4 and 5. These destinations will be the focus of your one-week international itinerary.

Check out some of my favorite itinerary posts my clicking on the images below:

Planning the logistics of your international trip

7. Transit – Consider the amount of time it will take to transit between the 2-3 locations you’ve selected. Can you take a rental car and drive? Take overnight transit to save time? Do you have to fly? If they’re all too far away or too expensive to reach, circle back to step 6 and try and find more practical (but still interesting) locations to travel between.

8. Pick your start and end locations – This step is largely dependent on the location of airports or other large transit hubs. Think about how you will reach this new country, and whether you need to circle back to the same airport when you exit it. Research whether there is a second airport that is more practical to exit the country from.

Belize City Airport, Belize to Mexico itinerary

Booking the important stuff

9. Book key activities – Yes, book key activities before you book your flights! Reservations for entry to Machu Picchu in Peru, the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, or other just as sensational destinations may sell out weeks or months in advance. You don’t want to book your flights and then realize the star event is sold out! My travel planning tip is to plan around these key activities.

10. Book flights – Lock in your flight dates once your key activities are booked. Be sure to check any flight cancellation policies. I like to use Google Flights to research the cheapest flight options. 

11. Book insurance – Be sure to book travel insurance for your destination country to cover unexpected medical expenses. Remember that if you’re partaking in activities deemed “dangerous” by insurance companies, you may need to pay a little more for cover. Check out World Nomads for their options for international travel coverage.

Disclaimer: World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

Machu Picchu viewpoint Erika's Travelventures

12. Book in-country transportation – It’s important to book, or at least research your in-country transit options before traveling. Transport options might induce getting a rental car, booking bus or train tickets, or puddle jumper planes. If you’re going to rely on taxis or rideshares, those can be booked on the ground.

Some countries like Thailand and Cambodia where there are established backpacker trails, there’s no need to book transit in advance. You’ll find countless tour companies operate vans that you can book the day before you travel.

This step in my travel planning guide is also when you should research whether it’s worth investing in a transit pass (think Japan’s JR Pass or Europe’s Eurorail). Add up the cost of each leg of transit, and compare it to the cost of getting one of these transit passes.

Pokhara Tourist Bus Station, bussing to Annapurna Circuit starting point, Besisahar 2018

13. Book accommodation – Based on the top 2-3 locations that you’re planning to visit during your one week international trip, research the best accommodation options for you and book them. Be sure to check cancellation policies when you book accommodation as well. I use for all of my accommodation bookings.

The hostel below is one of my favorites in the world – Sherloft Home & Hostel in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand

Thailand travel tips, Thailand things to know for first-time visitors, Thailand tips for beginners, Travel tips for Thailand, drinking water in Thailand, bathrooms and showers in Thailand, Sherloft hostel in Chiang Mai

Star the sh*t out of everything!

This is the fun part of planning, where you can go wild. Star the shit out of everything in your Google Maps! Below is an idea of things to star, and again these can be researched on travel blogs, Instagram, GetYourGuide tours, and other travel guides.

  • Restaurants, especially ones near your accommodation
  • Viewpoints or scenic areas
  • Tour offices, or meeting points for any tours you booked
  • Instagrammable locations
  • Any and all other points of interest
Ferry to Manly, sydney bucket list

Travel Planning - Finished!

These were all my tips for how to plan your next one-week international trip. The only thing left to do is to get on your flight and enjoy your travelventures!

Coming soon are posts about how to master your packing skills – in the meantime check out these packing list posts:

Check out some of my other one-week international itineraries to help with your travel planning!

Two-Week Itineraries

Three Weeks or MORE International Itineraries

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